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Opening hours

The shopping centre is open:

Mon – Fri

Please check store specific opening hours.

30.4.2024 Vappuaatto
1.5.2024 Vappupäivä
9.5.2024 Helatorstai
12.5.2024 Äitienpäivä
19.5.2024 Helluntai
21.6.2024 Juhannusaatto
22.6.2024 Juhannuspäivä

On 1.5. and 22.6. some of our operators are open, please check the opening hours on the company’s own website.

Please also note that some of Redi’s operators are open longer than the minimum opening hours. Please check operator-specific opening hours on the operator’s own website.

The routes to and from public transportation through Redi are open according to their schedules.

Check transportation specific routes here.

Vapaalentotunneli Föönin henkilökunta