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You can get to us with almost any form of transportation, check detailed information below and come enjoy yourself!

Hermannin rantatie 5, 00580 Helsinki

Kalasatama metrostation is located on floor 3.

For eastbound metro, use the elevator C and for the city centre bound metro, use the elevator D. Escalators and staircases available too.

Note! Outside Redi’s opening hours, the entrances are through Hermannin rantatie and the northern end of Kalasatamankatu.

There are 6 bus platforms around Redi.

Platform 1 is on Itäväylä (floor 3, elevator A)
Platform 2 is on Itäväylä (floor 3, elevator C)
Platforms 3-4 are on Hermannin rantatie (floor 1, street level)
Platforms 5-6 are on Työpajankadu (floor 1, street level)

Note! Outside Redi’s opening hours the route to platforms 1-2 is through Kalasatamankatu. To platform 1, use elevator A at the entrance next to Hanko Sushi. This route is open Sun-Thu 05-02.30 and Fri-Sat 24/7. To platform 2, use elevator C at the entrance on the left side of Rax Pizzabuffet. This route is open Sun-Thu 05-02 and Fri-Sat 24/7.

There are 3 drive-ins to Redi parking: Sörnäisten Rantatie, Hermannin rantatie and Työpajankatu.

Read more about Redi parking.

Redi has over 1000 bike spots: near each street level entrance and on roof top Bryga. In addition, there is a HSL indoor parking for bikes across from Redi’s entrance on Hermannin rantatie.

Charging stations for electrical bikes are available on Kalasatamankatu, next to Weekday. Individual battery charging station can be found next to the entrance of Hanko Sushi. Charging is free.

Helsinki city’s bike stations are located on Hermannin rantatie and on Englantilaisaukio.

Kalasatama is the fastest growing area in Finland and the tram is planned to start operating in 2024. The tram stop will be located in front of Redi on Hermannin rantatie.

Not so long anymore!